FAMU business school Dean Friday-Stroud transitions to faculty role; interim is named

Outgoing Florida A&M University School of Business and Industry Dean Shawnta Friday-Stroud will continue at the university as a top-level professor – and at a continued six-figure salary.

The announcement about Friday-Stroud’s reassignment from her role as dean, effective Sept. 13, was made Friday afternoon during a 7-minute-long virtual meeting with the business school community, in which Friday-Stroud smiled broadly throughout but shared no personal comments about the change.

Friday-Stroud, who played a key role in the recently mishandled donation fiasco , declined to make herself available to the Democrat for comment Monday.

FAMU Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Donald Palm said Friday-Stroud has been reappointed as the business school’s Sybil Collins Mobley endowed chair and named executive director for Strategic Partnerships and Business Development. Before that, she had been the school’s dean for 14 years.

Ira Bates, an associate professor of accounting at the university who also serves as chair of Accounting, Finance and Business Law, will serve as interim dean.

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