Checking in with Bobby Smith a year after start of watermelon-eating challenge

It’s been a year since Bobby Smith of Toledo embarked on a 103-day, watermelon-only health journey.

He named the challenge “Watermelon Washout,” and his endeavor attracted more than 115,000 social media followers and led to multiple viral videos with thousands of comments — some from supporters, some from critics.

The Blade last spoke with him, Mr. Smith on Day 68 of his challenge. He was joined by thousands of others around the country and beyond.

Not only did he complete the journey, he chose to surpass it, adding five days to his original goal, he said.

“I did finish the 108-day challenge,” said Mr. Smith. “After that, I ate some vegan plant-based food for like a week or two in September, then I went back to my lifestyle.”

“I haven’t added anything that I would say is long-term. I’ve had some plant-based vegan Chinese food the first week after the washout, and I had rice,” he said. “Then I had some French fries while hanging out and eating with my kids — that’s how that happened.”

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