5 Norfolk beaches a no-go for swimming, announces health dept.

During a swimming advisory beachgoers should not enter the water, according to the Virginia Department of Health.

Norfolk Department of Public Health issued swimming advisories for five of the city’s beaches, yesterday, Sept. 4, including:

  • 5th Bay
  • North Community Beach
  • Ocean View Park
  • 10th View
  • 13th View

The advisories were issued after testing conducted yesterday found elevated levels of enterococci bacteria. An advisory is issued if the bacteria levels exceed 104 (MPN/100 mL of water), VDH explains.

Ocean View Park, the worst of the results, was four times the acceptable level at 457 and 10th View wasn’t far behind at 408, according to VDH reporting.

Enterococci bacteria aren’t harmful themselves, but they are an indicator for fecal contamination, which poses a health risk, the department explains.

“Scientific studies indicate the presence of enterococci bacteria is closely correlated to the presence of other disease-causing organisms. People swimming or playing in waters with bacteria levels higher than the state standards have an increased risk of developing gastrointestinal illness,” it adds.

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